Politique de confidentialité

This privacy policy applies to all personal information collected by GBD ("Global Business Directory") via the internet.

GBD recognises the importance of your privacy, and that you have a right to control how your personal information is collected and used. We know that providing personal information is an act of trust and we take that seriously. Unless you directly give us consent to do otherwise, GBD will only collect and use your personal information as set out below.

1. Collection of Information

To use our services, you need to Sign up for Cameroun Business Directory Website account and for this we need to know a little about you. We require you to provide some information when you create a Cameroun Business Directory Website account:

  • Your Name
  • Your Account Email Address
  • Your Account Password (Encrypted Format)
  • Your Profile Picture - (Optional)
  • Text About You - (Optional)

Users may request deletion of that data contacting us or delete their profile on Niammy instructions here: Data Removal.

We collect personal information about you when:

  • information about you is posted (registering business listing or public user account) on a Cameroun Business Directory Website, either by you or by a third party;
  • when you log into a Cameroun Business Directory Website or otherwise submit your personal information;
  • when you use a Cameroun Business Directory Website, in which case our system automatically collects information relating to your visit to that website, such as your IP address.
  • We do not collect credit card details.

Cameroun Business Directory Website will not rent, sell, or share information about you with other people or non-affiliated companies. Any other data collected on the site is purely for the purpose of running the site and will not be shared, rented or sold. Please also refer to our Terms of Business.

2. Third Party Content

  • In addition, we may collect your personal information when you have given your consent to another party who holds personal information about you to allow us access to that personal information.
  • The type of information that we collect from you may include the following: your name, phone number, address, email address, company position/title, cookies, personal information that you include in your business profile or personal information that you email/send using email functionality on a Cameroun Business Directory Website website.

3. Cookies

  • When you enter this website (https://www.businesslist.co.cm), we will use cookies. Cookies are tiny text files that identify your computer to our server. These cookies in no way allow us access to your computer and do not store any details relating to you or your credit cards. They are used to record the areas of the site that you have visited and for how long, which provides us with useful usage information that helps us make our site more accessible to our users in line with their needs. The use of cookies helps us to improve the quality of service that we provide. Please also refer to our Cookies Policy.

4. Using and Disclosing Your Personal Information

Our purpose in collecting information about you is to:

  • provide you with a better service experience with content and advertising that is more relevant to your interests and create a business information database and associated content for use as part of GBD's online business. Whilst Cameroun Business Directory Website's database is designed to operate as a business directory (not a directory of individuals) it is possible that personal information may become included in the business information database.

GBD will not use or disclose any information about you without your consent, unless:

  • the use or disclosure is for one of the purposes described above or otherwise permitted by this policy;
  • it is required or permitted by law (including by relevant privacy laws);
  • we believe it necessary to provide you with a service which you have requested;
  • to protect the rights, property or personal safety of another GBD website user, any member of the public or GBD; or
  • any of the assets and/or operations of GBD are being transferred to another party.

If you do not provide requested information, GBD may not be able to provide you with access to or full use of sections of the GBD website.

5. Disclosing Information

Sometimes, the activities described above require us to share your personal information with other organisations. The types of situations in which GBD usually discloses personal information, and the types of organisations to which such disclosure is usually made, include the following:

  • The business information database is available via the internet to any member of the public. It is also disclosed in its entirety to GBD's related entities and to other entities with whom GBD has a business relationship, as part of GBD's online business.
  • GBD discloses personal information to its service providers, advisers and other entities with whom GBD has a business relationship, in the course of operating the GBD websites and GBD online business and in the course of delivering the GBD services.

6. Marketing

We may contact you at any email or other address or contact point which we have collected or obtained in order to:

  • contact you about your business profile or other content such as reviews which you have posted on a Cameroun Business Directory Website;
  • provide you with updated information about Cameroun Business Directory Website; or
  • provide you with other information about other products or services which you may enjoy.

If you are receiving promotional information from Cameroun Business Directory Website and do not wish to receive this information any longer, you may remove your name from our list by contacting us and asking to be removed from our mailing list. Please allow 7 days for this request to be processed.

Emails sent through the site, enquiries and replies are one-off emails. We will not distribute any email addresses to any third party or associated company of GBD or use them for anything other than their intended purpose.

7. Access to the Information We Hold

  • You can request access to the personal information we hold about you by making a request via Contact us form. We will provide you with access unless we are legally authorised not to do so.
  • If at any time you wish to change personal information that is inaccurate or out of date, please Contact us . If you wish to have your personal information deleted, please let us know in the same manner as referred to above. We will take all reasonable steps to change or delete information in response to such a request. If there is a reason that we cannot make that change or deletion, we will inform you of that reason.
  • GBD will endeavour to take all reasonable steps to keep secure any information which we hold about you, and to keep this information accurate and up to date. You should note that the internet is not a secure method of transmitting information and, as such, we are not responsible for the security of any information sent or received over the internet.
  • Please note that GBD may use overseas facilities including but not limited to in the US, to store, process or back up its information. As a result, we may transfer your personal information to our overseas facilities. However, this does not change our commitment to keep your information secure.

8. Third Party Websites

  • Cameroun Business Directory Website contain links to websites that are not operated by Cameroun Business Directory Website and the contact details for many businesses not operated by GBD. These linked sites and profiled businesses are not under the control of GBD , and we are not responsible for the conduct of those businesses. Before disclosing your personal information on any other website or to any other company, we advise you to examine the Terms and Conditions / Privacy Policy of those organisations.

9. Changes to this Privacy Policy

  • GBD may update this policy. We will notify you about significant changes in the way we treat personal information by sending a notice to the primary email address specified in your Business Listing or by placing a prominent notice on our site.
  • If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or how Cameroun Business Directory Website deals with your personal information you can Contact us