Greening the Extreme-North Region of Cameroon

About the product
“We intend to look at development and food systems through a new lens”

The semi‐arid Logone and Chari Division of the Extreme-north Cameroon (north of 6°N) is the hottest and driest part of the country, experiencing average temperatures between 25‐27°C in the cooler seasons (SON, DJF), and 27‐45°C in the warmer seasons (MAM, JJA). This part of the country receive less than 100mm of rain fall per month. The Division is highly vulnerable to environmental degradation. This is the single most important climate related natural hazard impacting the target area from time to time. 91% of the population is engaged in agricultural farming. Climate extremely influence the livelihood and economy of the inhabitants as it is closely linked to recurrent drought. Food is unsecured and health problems are prevalent. Climate change makes the situation more serious. These environmental problems like land degradation, floods, soil erosion, land slide and drought etc. have been killing many children, adolescents, elders in many parts of the target region, It is, therefore, imperative to work to resolve these environmental problems.
“We need to look at food systems through a new lens, This lens will be wide enough to consider challenges on health and nutrition, environmental degradation and small-scale farmers’ livelihoods simultaneously, as the component parts of wider systemic problems.”

The purpose of the project is to rehabilitate rivers and marshy areas through raffia and Indian bamboo tree planting and the enhancement of biodiversity and environmental goods and services for improved local livelihoods in the Logone and Chari Division.

Within the next four years
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